
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014!!

Out with the old, in with the new! 
We are excited that 2014 is here. 
2013 was full of learning experiences, a few challenging times, but also some very joyous occasions. 

  • McKinley June, my niece was born on January 5.
  • We got to go on vacation as a family in March to the beach.
  • We learned to trust God and God's plan more than ever because of our 2 miscarriages- January and June.
  • We did lots of renovations to the house: new roof, new drainage in back yard, new pool liner, new front door, refinished the soon-to-be nursery walls and ceiling, made over the under-the-stairs closet. These are just to name a few.
  • We celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary.
  • Found out we are expecting a baby! Praise the Lord!
  • Spent lots of good time with friends and family.

And the list goes on... 
All glory to God for all of these things that made 2013 special.

Many of you read about our journey trying to conceive. It has not been easy. It has been tough. I was able to go to the doctor and have all sorts of tests run to see what was causing the problem. The only thing that the doctors could find is that I have a gene mutation called MTHFR. The real name is
methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase.

Try to say that!

Basically it means that my body does not absorb/break down folic acid (a key nutrient in growing a baby inside of you!) The doctors believe that this had an effect on me in carrying a baby. Roughly 40% of Americans are carriers of this deficiency. But only 10% actually are affected by it. 

After learning this news, Chris and I decided to try again for a third time in 2013. The doctor prescribed me Folgard twice a day. This is the medicine that helps with the MTHFR gene mutation and allows the body to absorb folic acid. I also had to take progesterone, baby aspirin, and prenatal vitamins.

So with that being said, we are looking forward so much to 2014 because we will be welcoming our precious little one that we have prayed so long about into our home.

It was so fun at Thanksgiving to share with our family the big news! We shared through a video. Here it is if you would like to watch. :) I think my nephew is pretty darn cute.

Then we shared with our friends and coworkers. It has been such a fun and blessed time. I also loved sharing with my students at work. Of course, I shared through doing some math. I made a math puzzle that when finished it said, "Mrs. Crain is having a baby!" Not to mention our little elf Louie was able to help me out. 

I loved the reaction of  my students.
 They were so excited! These are just a few of the comments from the mouths of the babes:

" You don't look like your big."
"Man! That's going to hurt!"
One little girl just stared and stared at my belly and then said, " Can I touch it?" 

Well today the countdown begins for us to find out if it is a boy or girl....we will know on January 10th! See you soon!

I will leave you with a few more pictures from lately....

My BFF Cara and I at our Ugly Sweater Party

 Bentley riding in the baby car

McKinley June's 1st Birthday

Two of my favorite pictures from our Christmas card photo shoot
(Photos by Jen)

Our nephew Wilson on Christmas Eve

Our niece Abby at Christmas



  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the video! I am counting down the days to find out the gender!!!!

  2. Connie Hepler January 2,2014 at 5: 42 p.m. Love your video,congratulations ,Jane and Chris.Know you are excited to learn the gender of Baby,Love you both and may God Richly Bless you both .We will be waiting to know !!!!
