
Friday, December 28, 2012

Craft Room Remodel

I love my two-week vacation from work! I am able to do stuff around the house that I usually do not have time for. It is just wonderful. I have a craft room in upstairs that I spend lots of time in. It is like a "woman cave" instead of a man cave (thanks hubby!) Chris has been so sweet to add some shelves to my closet and on the walls and also set up a tv in there for me. Well with all of this extra time at home, I have been on pinterest and my gears have started turning for a craft room makeover. Here are some of the pictures that are inspiring me....
Source: The Crafster

**I couldn't find the source. I got this pic from pinterest.


Do you notice a theme? Yes the BLUE walls! I love it. So here are the plans...I need to paint the walls a robin's egg blue. Hang a dainty chandelier. Maybe an accent wall. And have Chris help me create a craft table like the one in the last picture. 
Pictures to come soon....

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