
Wednesday, June 15, 2011 far...

So far, I am enjoying my summer! I have been somewhat busy, so I have not experienced boredom yet. I am going to grad school and will graduate on July 30, so that keeps me busy. I have also been teaching a few paint parties, which is so much fun! We have also been busy fixing up the yard and the pool. The pool has been a pain in the bootay! When we opened the pool, we did not expect to have many problems because the liner is only a couple of years old, but of course, there were problems. The flood in May did a number on our pool that we were not aware of. We are hoping to have the pool ready by Father's Day though so we can have the family over for our first pool party!

Also, Chris has started a new job and we are super excited about it. As with any job though, it can be scary at first not knowing how it will turn out. We have been in constant prayer and have faith that God will guide us through this experience. I know Chris really likes his new job, it brings me joy to see him so happy!

At the beginning of the summer, we took a trip to Gatlinburg and visited Chris' family. Here are a few pictures showing what we have been up to lately.

Our Little Diva Niece...Abby

Abby & Me

Chris, David, Carrie, & Abby at Dollywood

Chris on his first day at his new job....such a stud!

Chris & I at Johnny & Lauren's Wedding

Jordan & I at her beautiful wedding!

I will have more pictures and blogging soon...enjoy!

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