
Monday, August 11, 2014

Baby Ben...2 Months

Hey Baby Ben!

It has been two months since you were born. There have been a lot of changes since then. Some of those include...less sleep, bottles everywhere, extra laundry, less money, formula and a bottle warmer on the counter, and baby gear everywhere.
 No, No, No...I am not complaining. I am thankful. You, little guy, have taught daddy and me what real life and real, unconditional love looks like. 
The "before baby" me would have gone nuts with all the "stuff" that you have brought along with you. Now...I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

You, Benjamin Jack, are the coolest baby in the world. 

Here are a few random thoughts from the past month:

Over the past month, you have filled our hearts with joy. Your precious smile is contagious! Mommy had to go back to work (I love my new job, by the way and one day you will get to come with me.) We are very lucky to have "G" come and keep you every day while we work. You already love "G" so much! She is going to teach you tons.
More Cousin Time

Daddy loves coming home to you after work and seeing your sweet face. Everyone says you look like daddy. Not one person has said you look like Mommy. It's a good thing I carried you in my belly for 9 months! ;) You light up the world each day. We both are looking forward to the day we hear you giggle.

At the Zoo
We went to church for the first time two weeks ago and the zoo too! You were great at both places. You pretty much slept the entire time.

One thing that you really don't like is the paci. "G" tries to give it to you, but you don't take it very long. Most of the time you just spit it out.

At the Zoo
On Thursday, you will have your 2 month check-up. I am a little nervous about this, but I am sure you will be fine. You are a rockstar! 

 Here are some of my favorite pics from the past month.....

Cousin Time with Wilson and McKinley

Time with Pop and Wilson

Yes, you were totally worth the wait! Thanks Sean and Camon for the onesie.
At Harvest Church for the first time

There's that contagious smile!

One of my favorite pictures of you!

Mommy and Ben
Cousin Abby at her 4th birthday! I wish I would have
taken a picture of Ben and Abby.

G and Ben

2 Month Picture

Passed out at G and Pop's house
Coolest Dude

Love you Baby Ben!