
Saturday, May 31, 2014

It's Almost Time to Meet Ben!

Dear Ben,

It is almost time to meet you! The time has just flown by. Daddy and I have been really busy...Daddy's been working a lot lately. I just finished up teaching for the summer break but now it is "baby time." You have been moving a lot, but I can tell you are running out of's okay little guy, you will have plenty of room to stretch out in your beautiful nursery when you decide to make your debut!
At my last appointment, everything was measuring perfectly. Dr. W. decided to schedule you to be induced on Monday, June 9th (that is if you don't come on your own in the next week.) 
I can't wait to see you...Will you have brown hair? Blonde hair? or even Red Hair? Blue eyes? Brown eyes? Curly hair? Straight hair? Will you be fair skin like mommy or tan like daddy?

Either way you are...You are fearfully and wonderfully made! God has created you for a purpose.

Here is your precious nursery. The room we created just for you! My favorite thing about your nursery is all of the handmade items. You are our little American Superhero and we will see you in 9 days or less. We love you to the moon and back!

Daddy & Mommy

 Flag Made by Mommy
(I used paint we had at home and wooden stars from Hobby Lobby. The other wood
is from Home Depot. This is a "knock off" from Pottery Barn.)

 The bible verse was made by Liz at Burlap & Lovely.
The clock is from Francesca's.

I modpodged old comic book clippings to make this light plate cover.

 Your little superman outfit! The shelf
is from Home Goods. Daddy and I made the Spiderman
bank for you at Paint a Piece. And the cute little card was made by
my friend Kim. 

 I made your mobile for you using yarn, felt, hot glue, and thread.
I hope you like it!

We are using my old dresser from when I was a baby for your dresser
and changing table.
We added a special touch by painting three knobs...

 Captain America

 This was simply just printed off of the computer and framed.
Frame is from Target,

Your crib was Mommy's, Aunt Jacqueline's, and Uncle Joe's
when we were babies.
Bedding is from Restoration Hardware.
The letters are from Sheffield's Antique Mall.
The lamp shade is from The Lamp Shade Store in memphis
And the sweet banner was made by my friend Lauren.

Pictures of Daddy

Superhero Wall! I will add pictures of you to the clipboard
and shadow box. The camera monitor will be hung up in the corner soon too.

The pillow was from an Etsy store. The blanket was from Restoration
Hardware too.

The little green tractor was a gift from Cousin Wilson...He can't
wait to meet you!!
The chair is from Wilson's Furniture in Collierville
and the rug is from Target.
"G" painted and stained the wooden crates and Daddy turned them
into a shelf.

Okay Ben, we are ready for you!!! Any day now....