
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Preparing for Baby

We have been super busy preparing for baby Ben. We have about 3 months until his arrival. This weekend we went to dad and mom's and picked up the crib and dresser. Chris painted the nursery and he installed shelves for his closet. Below are a few pictures of our inspiration for Ben's nursery. I would describe it as Vintage-American-Superhero. I will post pictures once it is all complete. Here is a little sneak peek too...Bentley loves being in the sun in the nursery.

We are having so much fun preparing for him.
My devotional book said it best...
" As I think about how much joy I've gotten from decorating a room for my little one, my mind quickly goes to how much joy Christ must take in preparing a heavenly place for us...What joy He will have when He brings us home!" - Waiting in Wonder by Catherine Claire Larson

We are already becoming pretty busy just during this time preparing for Ben. We only have three months left with just the two of us (+Bentley). Soon we will be the three of us (+Bentley). I want to make sure Chris and I cherish this time we have together so for Valentine's Day I made him a "Countdown to Baby Date Jar." This best thing I can give him is my time. 

It has 10 dates for us to go on before the big day. Some of them I have already prepaid for through gift cards and I included those in the jar too. I also attached a little heart note just for him. We are both looking forward to our dates. They each have a special meaning or reason behind them. You can see the date cards and date jar below.
This time is so precious to us. 

 Made with Love from a Mason Jar

 Our Dates

Chris surprised me with roses, gummy bears (my favorite), and a charm for my necklace. It is the sweetest gift as it is the first gift from Benjamin too. 

With Love,

Monday, February 10, 2014

It's A Boy!

Our Dearest Little One, 

We have been anticipating the day when we would know if you are a boy or a girl. Daddy and I got to go on January 10 to see you on the ultrasound. You were so sweet and so small. You were very active! (I keep wondering if you will have Daddy's spunk of a personality.) The ultrasound tech had a hard time getting a snapshot of your profile because you wanted to play with your umbilical cord. She was able to show us the most intricate parts of you. We were in awe and amazed! When she got to your "parts" she said, "Well you can tell what baby is!" Daddy high-fived me...We could most certainly tell you are a boy. Daddy and I are over-the-moon excited to see your sweet little face in just a few short months. Our most favorite ultrasound picture of you looks like you are smiling. We think you are pretty cute already! We have been praying for you for so long. God has answered our prayers in you. We want you to know what a miracle you are and we give praise to God every day for you. It is pretty cool to know that the only thing you know right now is the safety of my belly and our Father's hands. He has created you perfectly. "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." 

We decided on your name pretty easily. We will name you Benjamin Jack. Benjamin is my great grandfather's name and Jack is my dad's name (your Pop). Benjamin means Son of the right hand and Jack means God has been gracious; has shown favor. Both of these meanings are most certain for you and for your precious life. God has definitely been gracious to us.

After we saw your ultrasound we had a gender reveal party for our family. It was also my 27th birthday! I couldn't have had a better birthday. Here are our pictures from that night. 

We love you,
Mommy & Daddy

Our favorite picture of are smiling!

     Old Wives Tales even predicted that you are a BOY!        Wilson was entertained by the streamers.

 It's A.....
 Pop & McKinley
 Uncle Joe
 The predictions...

 The Family (minus Jacqueline)
 Wilson helping us out!
 IT'S A BOY!!!
 My BFF Cara came too :) Nice photobomb Wilson

Even the kids at school thought you were a BOY! They were right :)