
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

And It's SummerTime!

I haven't posted since December! What have we been up to? LIFE! Life has been crazy, but the good news is...Its' SUMMA'TIME! 

My last post was about the craft room. And yes, we finished remodeling the room that was to be the craft room. We had some bumps along the way so it took longer than planned and the funny thing is...I still don't have a craft room. We have two identical empty rooms upstairs. One of the rooms, I decided was going to be the craft room. We remodeled it: scraped the walls, scraped the ceiling, installed new base board, installed crown molding, added 4 new lights. Chris decided when we finished that it should be the "baby room". Don't get excited, no baby yet. So we are leaving that room, for a future child. The other empty room will be my "craft room." So temporarily, it is set up just like my old craft room. Here are pics of the updated "future baby" room. (PRAYERS WELCOME FOR A BABY) 
Very clean and nice!

In the meantime, what else have we been doing? Yes, of course, another project. BACKYARD MAKEOVER! Our backyard was a hot mess when we moved in and slowly over time we have been working on it. The guy before us used to park his Bronco in the backyard and had a dog that tore up everything. I can only imagine what he used to do in the backyard based on the things Chris has dug up during this process....BB gun, beer cans, tennis balls, etc.

Here is a pic of our magnificent backyard when we moved in.....

Rotten deck

Random mini-fence around the pool...

 Overgrown weeds, ugly deck, and random fence, not to mention rotten railroad ties...

A few years ago, we tore down the random small fence, and eventually we tore down the deck. It still did not look very nice though.

Here is a pic before we started remodeling the backyard this year. Oh yeah, we also had to redo the pool. Who builds a pool lower than the ground around it? We had to redo the entire backyard. A lot of the work that was done you can not see because the main bulk of it is piping that Chris installed underground for drainage.
 Want to swim?!

We are finally coming to an end on this project, I finally have our screen porch back and we can walk in and out of the backyard without being covered in mud. I would say we are about 85% done now with our backyard. The sod goes in next week and Chris has a few more small things to do before we are 100%.  We will paint the fence and retaining wall in the fall. So here it is now! I'm in love with our backyard. Also, I must send a shout out to All Clean Pools for doing a fabulous job on giving our pool a complete makeover!

excited for the grass to come next week & Bentley is too.