
Friday, April 29, 2011

Roof...Just in time...

Happy Birthday to my Memaw...I sure do miss her!!

Our roof on our back porch has been leaking quite a bit for a few months. We realized that shingles on the roof of the porch were a not so good idea since the pitch of the roof is not very steep. We decided that a metal roof would be best....well we thought so until we called a few places around town with quotes. Woa! How expensive! The joys of homeownership have started kicking in lately. Well my DIY husband decided that he and his friends could put a metal roof on for a third of the cost, and sure enough they did! I was impressed and very happy about our new roof, not to mention it was finished just in time for the crazy weather. Two thumbs up for Chris and his friends because the new roof was flawless during the Wizard of Oz type weather that we had this past week! Let's hope it stays that way....Check it out!

                              After the shingles had been pulled off, and the beginning of the new roof.

The guys working on the roof.

Almost finished! Looks great guys!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Extreme Home Makeover...Crain Edition!

Well we have been super say the least. Chris is a very crafty person, just like me. Together we come up with endless projects to do to our home. When we bought our home, we fell in love with it because it had already been "flipped", so it was going to be a home that we would have to do "nothing" to. Well we were wrong. We have come up with projects to do to our home "just because" we want to. We have been having so much fun working together and doing many DIY projects. HGTV & the DIY network have been our best friends, not to mention our amigo Miguel that Chris knows from a job site- He gave us a big hand one Saturday! We have decided to build a retaining wall at the end of the is not finished...but it is almost there! We are also replacing the roof on our back screened of that to come soon. Chris and his gracious friends are replacing the much cheaper than hiring it done!

We also have been working inside our home, the den is just about complete. We got new furniture, a rug, a beautiful canvas picture from our wedding, curtains. I just need to finish my final project...the window mirror (picture to come soon).

As for now, this is where our time has gone...working on our home! We sure do have fun though :)
Here are pictures of Chris...I promise I was helping him too!